Monday, November 21, 2011


The picture is me, this morning.
I'm in a library, because I like to pretend I'm educated while I fuck around and take pictures of myself.
You know me, dearies...
I'd wanted to eat some egg whites this morning, however I didn't eat them, even though I planned it.
I guess "want" is the wrong term.
It was a mixture of things that contributed to my lack of food consumption on this fine morning, with each culprit no more to blame than the other...
I didn't have time
I wasn't hungry
I find the more I plan food, the more I resist it.
So, I just let it happen- go with a feeling.

It's a really crazy notion to me,  that tomorrow I'm waking up in the 102's.
Flipping insane.
I probably should eat something later today... 

Well, who knows?
